July 2022 Release

The July 2022 release of Elytra focuses on clearing up old code and files from Elytra’s codebase and the final release in the upgrade pipeline started back in 2022 during the May 2022 release.

If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review on the App Store. It makes a huge difference for me. Thank you in advance.


  • Improved performance of loading feeds, articles and processing filters.

  • Improved performance of pulling new articles from Elytra Cloud.

  • Improved article rendering performance by nearly 2x.

  • Improved internal caching mechanisms.

  • Reduced power usage signficantly when scrolling through long lists of articles.


  • Fixed onboarding getting stuck when signing-in with a Private ID.

  • Fixed OPML import issue.

  • Fixed search crashing on iOS

  • Fixed crash on sign up (after a fresh installation)

  • Fixed a critical bug causing older articles to be marked as filtered even when no filters were applicable.

  • Fixed a critical bug causing Re-sync to crash sometimes.
