Elytra 2.0.2 is now available

Elytra 2.0.2 (38) is now available on the App Store. This build includes some critical fixes and an update is recommended.


  • Fixes a rotation bug on iPads.

  • Fixes an article scaling bug on iPads when toggling the sidebar.

  • Changing the selected tint colour now applies correctly throughout the app.

  • Fixed the app not loading the selected tint colour on launch.

  • Fixed an issue when searching for a feed by title or keywords would dismiss the modal.

  • Fixed an issue with pagination when searching for feeds in the Add New Feed interface.

  • Fixed an issue where the App would show a “No Subscription Found” error after resetting or deactivating your account.

  • Fixed an issue where an interrupted on-boarding would prevent you from using the app without purchasing a subscription. This now ensures you are always able to start your free trial if your onboarding was interrupted.

  • If you’re currently enrolled in the Free Trial, the subscriptions interface will now correctly indicate that.

  • Some blog engines convert emojis to an image with the emoji as the alt text on the image. Elytra will now skip rendering the image and appropriately render the emoji used by the author in the same context as the original blog post. This prevents the paragraph breaking on to the next line to accommodate the custom emoji image the blog engine inserts.

  • Fixes an issue with sorting of Feeds. Feeds which are not inside any folder are now correctly sorted in ascending alphabetical order. Thank you Jason, for pointing this out.

  • iPads in Portrait mode now correctly hide the sidebar upon tapping an article.

Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/elytra/id1433266971
