October 2019 Update

Half of October is over and I have a short update for you. 

Elytra v1.5 is on track and includes new systems for:

  • Unread Articles
  • Bookmarks
  • General Articles

What’s new: How articles are loaded, and when they are loaded. I am delaying loading data from the network as much as possible so as to not be too eager to cache too early. This achieves one primary goal: reduced bandwidth usage. Also makes handling and expanding things easier for me in the app, but nothing you should concern yourself with. “Yay!” for both of us! 

I hope to have v1.5 ready to ship towards mid-November and close the pipeline by end of November.

I really did not know a better way to announce the next bit so I am going to sneak this one in here: I give you, a first look at Elytra for the Web

Elytra for Web - Unread - Light Theme

Elytra for Web - Unread - Dark Theme

It is no where close to complete. I have barely gotten the article renderer to work with the basics. Lots of long coffee fuelled sessions still to go.

I decided to do the Web App first while I continue to work on the design of the macOS App and continue to improve the iOS app. The iOS app is pretty stable in v.1.5 now and has everything we need it to have, so now I can assign time to other platforms. 

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll share more progress on this blog so stay subscribed through the RSS Feed. I’ll share Alpha Testing notes about the Web App later in November.  
